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Journée mondiale de la santé : « Une bonne santé générale passe avant tout par une bonne santé dentaire »
Chaque année, le 7 avril, de nombreuses organisations célèbrent la journée mondiale de la santé, journée également de la création de ...
« Les solutions numériques permettent d'améliorer la communication avec les patients à chaque étape »
Des milliers de sociétés ont privilégié l’International Dental Show 2023 (IDS), l’occasion idéale pour présenter leurs derniers produits à un ...
“Digital solutions enable improved patient communication every step of the way”
The International Dental Show 2023 provided the perfect opportunity for thousands of companies to showcase their latest product releases to an interested ...
3DISC lance OVO et réinvente l'IOS pour en faire un outil de communication dentiste-patient multi-quotidien
En 2022, le scanner intra-oral HERON IOS, produit phare de 3DISC, a été élu deuxième scanner intra-oral le plus populaire par les dentistes dans le ...
3DISC reinvents the intra-oral scanner with OVO
COLOGNE, Germany: In 2022, 3DISC’s flagship HERON IOS intra-oral scanner was voted the second most popular intra-oral scanner by dentists in the Intraoral...
3DISC announces new software update
HERNDON, Va., U.S.: Just last week, 3DISC announced the latest release of HeronClinic, including two main innovations to the Heron IOS scanning software: an...
3DISC releases HeronClinic 3.2 digital dentistry software
HERNDON, Va., U.S.: This week, 3DISC announced the release of the newest version of HeronClinic, the case management and scanning software for the ...
3DISC acquired, becomes 3DISC Dental Connect
HERNDON, Va., U.S.: 3DISC, a provider of digital radiographic and 3D imaging and scanning technology for dental clinics, yesterday announced the acquisition...
Interview: “The Heron IOS represents the best value-for-money solution available”
At this year’s Chicago Midwinter Meeting, 3DISC is showcasing the latest updates to the Heron IOS, the company’s flagship intraoral scanning solution. ...
Interview: “The new interface makes the learning curve shorter”
At this year’s Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM), the U.S.-based company 3DISC has launched the latest version of the Heron IOS, its solution for ...
Interview: Adopting intra-oral scanners is vital for success
The US-based company 3DISC, which recently launched the Heron IOS (intra-oral scanner), specialises in quality imaging solutions for dentists. Dental ...
Check out the newest intra-oral scanners, including 3DISC’s Heron IOS, at IDS
In March, IDS opens its doors to exhibitors and dental professionals from all over the world. Dentists attending to gain an overview of the market for ...
Heron IOS - uma nova opção de cadeira odontológica que oferece valor imediato
NOVA IORQUE, EUA: O escanemento intraoral dentário está crescendo em popularidade no mundo todo, por oferecer um processo de impressão mais simples, ...
Heron IOS—A new chairside option offering immediate value
NEW YORK, U.S.: Dental intraoral scanning is growing in popularity worldwide owing to it offering a simpler impression process, better accuracy, a decrease ...
Entrevista: "3DISC está trazendo a melhor solução para dentistas"
CHICAGO, EUA: No Grande Encontro Dental de Nova Iorque 2017 (Greater New York Dental Meeting) a 3DISC lançou seu escâner intraoral Heron IOS para o ...