DT U.S. No. 11, 2017 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT U.S. No. 11, 2017


DT U.S. No. 11, 2017

Still great and still free: Greater New York Dental Meeting / ‘Growing Enamel’ — Revisited / IADFE to meet during GNYDM / ‘Raising the Bar’ at Yankee Dental Congress / Rethinking provisionals / More light, uniformly distributed in high-def / ‘Uni-Verse-All’ positioner holds any size sensor / New d isp osable application system mixes two-component mater ials / Kettenbach introduces Futar Cut and Trim bite registration material / Barrier protection critical with dental gloves / The ‘nextgeneration cement’ / Implant Tribune /
