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EMS – GBT Micro-learning season 2
Micro-learning breaks down educational content into small, stand-alone units designed to convey specific knowledge in just a few minutes. The 2- to 5-minute videos featured on the GBT ...
YOUR ALL-IN-ONE PROPHYLAXIS SOLUTION The AIRFLOW PLUS powder is the first high-tech powder that removes Biofilm and young calculus in a minimally-invasive way from all types of surfaces: enamel, ...
EMS – Swiss Instruments Surgery
EIN NEUER STANDARD IN DER DENTALCHIRURGIE Das speziell für Piezon Master Surgery entwickelte EMS Swiss Instruments SurgeryPM ist ein komplettes System für zahlreiche Zahn-, Mund- und ...
EMS – PIEZON Master 700
YOUR COMPLETE ULTRASONIC DEVICE The PIEZON Master 700 provides a fast, professional and minimal-invasive calculus removal, eliminating biofilm and other mineralized deposits thanks to its cavitation ...
EMS – AIRFLOW handy 3.0
NEUER STANDARD IN DESIGN UND ERGONOMIE AIRFLOW handy 3.0 ist das neue tragbare Air-Polishing Gerät von EMS. Es soll Anwendern in Zukunft einen unvergleichlichen Komfort bei der Arbeit bieten. ...
ULTRA COMPACT WITH NEW PIEZON DESIGN The new refined and versatile PIEZON 150 serie features the intuitive EMS "Original PIEZON Method" technology, offering dental professionals with more ...
EMS – AIRFLOW handy 3.0
STATE OF THE ART DESIGN AND ERGONOMICS AIRFLOW handy 3.0 is EMS's latest portable air-polishing unit. It has been developed to offer dental professionals unequalled working comfort. This is ...
WHEN SIMPLICITY MEETS ELEGANCE Increase your productivity and patient satisfaction: The PIEZON 250 is a dental unit for the professional removal of tarter and hard calculus. Its compact form takes up...
EMS – AIRFLOW Kills Biofilm
Biofilm - Das schlimme Wort Tausende von tief in den Parodontaltaschen sitzenden Bakterienstämmen sind für das Entstehen verschiedener Krankheiten verantwortlich. Das Ausmaß ist enorm und ...
EMS – miniMaster goes LED
With the miniMaster LED, EMS offers a stand-alone unit with its own liquid supply. Easy to use, fast and gentle, the miniMaster now comes with a new LED handpiece with circular light emission for even...