DT U.S. No. 2, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT U.S. No. 2, 2014


DT U.S. No. 2, 2014

News / Meetings / Oral health intersects with overall health at Yankee Dental Congress / NOMAD Pro 2: Holds charge longer - is more durable and reliable / Utilizing a digital workflow for provisionalization with BioTemps / America’s ToothFairy Smile Drive to benefit thousands of at-risk children / Komet USA’s F360 rootcanal system simplifies treatment / Family- owned Flow Dental adds to its digital imaging productline / Healthgrades: where prospective patients go to find a dentist in 2014 / Industry News / SharperPractice: The Bat Cave of dentistry / Hygiene Tribune /
