JADR 2017 - The 65th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research - Events - Dental Tribune Japan

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JADR 2017 - The 65th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research



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イベント 18 - 19 11月 2017

Welcome message

Greeting from the Congress President of the 65th Annual Meeting of JADR 2017
~65th Annual Meeting of JADR to be Held in Tokyo ~

On behalf of the organizing committee and as the congress president I am very pleased to welcome you to the 65th Annual Meeting of JADR, the Japanese Division of IADR (International Association for Dental Research), held at Showa University. We especially express our gratefulness to the president of JADR, Professor Kazuhisa Yamazaki, and all of our distinguished guests for their attendance.
JADR has promoted a wide variety of specific studies related to dental medicine and also played important roles in this field, including provision of a gateway to global development of dental science in Japan. In addition, the members of JADR have been providing primary contributions to the remarkable progress in dentistry that we see throughout the world. To further advance dental studies in the future, novelty and interdisciplinary communication are needed to fully understand, share, and discuss important problems, and provide solutions. Therefore, the theme of this meeting is "Forefront of dental science − Toward a global standard in medical science" to further spur a worldwide evolution in dentistry.
We will invite Dr. Angus William G. Walls (IADR), Dr. Seong-Ho Choi (Korean Division of the IADR (KADR)), Dr. Harry-Sam Selikowitz (FDI World Dental Federation), and Dr. Irma Thesleff (University of Helsinki) as Special Lecturers, who will share with us their future outlook in regard to dental science. As for the Keynote, Professor Kazutoshi Mori at Kyoto University will present an interesting lecture titled "Dynamics of function and regulation of the endoplasmic reticulum". We will also organize three symposiums on this particular topic, titled "Cutting-edge etiology of periodontitis: Next sights for host-parasite interaction", "Life science in space ? biomedical researches performed in the international space station", and "Advances in iPS cell research and its application to dental medicine", as we see that these present vital issues faced by dental researchers throughout the world. It is also my sincere hope that all of our sessions will provide a valuable networking opportunity for research cooperation as well as a platform for sharing our highest aspirations, and for mutual encouragement and support.
In addition, a Hatton Award session will be held at this meeting. Therefore, many suggestions from our JADR members will be a great help to the presenters during this meeting. We believe that this meeting will provide an excellent opportunity for all in attendance to learn together, as well as foster cooperation and an interchange of ideas, and also build capacity as preparation for upcoming challenges. I am confident that at the end of these sessions you will be able to take home several new ideas that will help to enhance dental science research in Japan.

Ryutaro Kamijo, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Professor & Chairman,
Department of Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, Showa University

Tokyo, Japan

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